There’s more than monkeys in my tree…

When I was born into my family tree, I was blessed with roots deep in creative talent.  I may personally not always be in touch with the family skills but they are present, spreading through a thick organic soil, soaking up the nutrients of life and inspiration.   One of the limbs happens to be my mother, as she hangs solid as a redwood with artistic ability and ingenuity.  Her latest endeavor has been whimsical watercolor renditions of people’s homes and buildings around town. Her clients have been using them as thank you notes, gifts for friends and advertising art.  The possibilities are endless when you wrap your mind around having your personal investments, personalized with style.  So if you would like to be one of the lucky ones…reach out and say…me next, me next!

Oh and so when you hear the story about how I originally wanted my sister to be a monkey so I could go outside and feed her banana’s in a tree- you will totally understand. Cheers!

To contact the artist Dyan –send her an email 🙂 [email protected]

Down By the Sea, Flagler Beach