Local Color: Becky Pourchot…the Author

There’s just a teeny weeny bit of pressure when you are writing about a writer.  However, my anxiety is able to take a calm exhale knowing that she is a genuinely lovely person, even if she is secretly judging me from the dark spaces of her wildly imaginative mind.

Proud to promote Local Color  Becky Pourchot…the Author


Becky, her husband Shawn and three children bearing fabulously original names: Kestrel, Pip and Merlyn (which are all named after Falcons- cool huh-) moved here three years ago from Madison, Wisconsin. While snow versus sand might be a major life transition, they seem to have blended right in to the Flagler Beach way of life.

When I first met Becky she had started to blog here at Flagler Surf…realizing that this train was moving a little too slow she focused herself on integrating with the writing community and then shortly after finished a book with the setting right here in Flagler Beach! Localism at it’s best 🙂 Oh and did I forget to mention that one of the main characters of this great read is a ghost.  Who doesn’t love a teen heart-throb ghost story? But Becky is not the stereotypical writer who blocks themselves inside a hermit styled life, she prefers to live a dynamic existence with eccentricity wrapped up in boas, strutting in GOGO boots or covered in zombie blood.   A direct reflection on the intriguing characters she creates with deep adoration.

book collage

And while being a successful writer takes up large blocks of personal time, Becky also makes great efforts to give back to this community that she has come to love.  Spending time reading and teaching her craft to school kiddos as well as playing host for free creativity-focused workshops. She has also been very accommodating to my silly needs- So if you happen to be a reader (I know you are), love Flagler Beach and want to show a great human bean some support, reach out and show Becky Pourchot some love~


To order a copy of her books: http://www.hungryghostbooks.com

 A link to her new personal blog where she reveals the life of writer who struggles with marketing 🙂 The Transparent Author

more Flagler Surf blog posts

Youtube Videos– everyone loves themselves more on video right??

Cheers to reading great stories and thinking outside the lines 🙂