Author Archives: Greenleif

Butterfly Month – Swallowtails

August is Butterfly Month so to celebrate I will showcase a couple different species. Today’s spotlight is on Swallowtails. To the left is a late stage caterpillar Parsleyworm feeding on Bronze fennel. Soon it will find a place to pupate. The…

Looking good under pressure

While everyone is running for cover to avoid the heat, there is one native that only likes it sunny. The Galliardia pulchela aka Blanket Flower inhabits roadsides, dunes, and yards alike. Once established they prefer dry conditions, and that is what…

Welcome to Native Roots…

(native) an animal or plant indigenous to a place (roots) family, ethnic, or cultural origins, especially the reasons for one’s longstanding emotional attachment to a place or community I am a native with roots, born in St. Augustine and raised in Flagler. Native Roots is where I am going to highlight other natives (plants, animals and bugs)…