Author Archives: Flagler Surf

About Flagler Surf

Loving this space and sharing it with you.

Summer Treasure…and a contest!

Summer is here and the best way to cool down is by cruising over to the beach…if you live in Flagler that is. These days my kiddos are old enough to frolic in the ocean without me hovering over them…

Reality…or is it?

Outward appareances are just that…an appearance. The true story that lies within is often completely different. I recently experienced the first moment of my summer reality check. I had barely stepped a couple hours into the long awaited break before the facade…

A Child’s mind…Write ON!

I sometimes fancy myself a writer…and then I meet a 9th grade student who gives her definition of a “writer” and I realize that not even on my best day am I as gifted with words as this remarkable young…

Mother’s Day Throwback

It feels great to be celebrated, even if on your special day you find yourself cleaning the living room while your entire family is eating at your Mother’s Day brunch next door. #True Story Being a mom is truly the…

Turtle Power…not the mutant ninja kind.

Turtle nesting season officially started May 1st, which means almost every day you will find a set of tire tracks on the Flagler Beach sand from Turtle Patrol volunteers searching for signs of life…Sea Turtle life that is. This means that beach bonfires…

I survived another weekend…

…is how I currently am feeling. This is really not very unusual and in the moments when I get a moment to stop and ponder all this madness that I call my life, I have realized that I probably wouldn’t…

If you only knew.

I don’t know if it’s because I have been sick, trapped inside the house or allotted a little more time on my hands, but I am really starting to freak out, in the calmest way of course. What am I talking…

Thankful to be Here!

To say that is has been a while since my last post is quite laughable. Looking back over the dates it seems that I abandoned the blogging ship just after my life was hijacked (I write that with a smile)…

Shark Week in Flagler Beach.

As a person who loves the ocean, shark week can be a little daunting. More so because the idea of sharks moves to the front of my mind instead of swimming quietly around in the back of my thoughts, with…

USLA Southeast Region Championships come to Flagler Beach!

Prepare yourself, we are about to be infiltrated by….Lifeguards!! Flagler Beach is playing host to the USLA Southeast Region Championships, kicking off this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with over 400 participants scheduled to compete. The three day event will take…