Monthly Archives: June 2010

Flagler Beach 1980 July 4th watermelon eating contest.

All Things July 4th…

Fourth of July circa 1980… I am actually surprised that I was willing to participate in the watermelon eating contest.. I was so shy growing up. My will to eat some tasty treat must have overridden the tremendous fear I…

All Things July 4th… Where Am I?

So i wasn’t going to do this last one, I was quitting the Game I started and throwing in the towel. Finished, done, over.…and then I got a phone call and figured well, why not? seeing as how this is…

All Things July 4th…

I worked as a lifeguard in Flagler Beach for many summers.One year during the fourth of July holiday there was a man swimming in THE BOAT CHANNEL! My Captain asked me why I did not swim out there to get…

Girls Do Get it…

For the past two weeks I have been fortunately involved with a camp called Girls Get It. It is a Surf and Science camp for girls ages 14-18, taking place at Si Como No Inn, with the intent of getting…

Where Am I? #9

number 9, number 9, number 9…–smile big and wonder where i am, for this will be the end my friend. –and so clever you are, ms. sea turtle in her beauty lives at the big house they call tee-times 🙂

Two Things I See

This piece of paper has two significances… First, i found it on the side of the road while walking the bridge. this is another spot i wish there were garbage cans. i realize they need to be accessible to the…

Where Am I? #8

swimming, swimming…. over the ocean blue,where am I? And yes the last sign was on the east side of of the bridge in the median..wahoo🙂

I Got Trashed The Other Night!

oh man… i’m getting on my soapbox again. The other evening my loved ones and i chose to cruise our sandy highway (the beach) up to our favorite burrito establishment. i’m often amazed at how many people i see catching…

Dreaming of…Oil?

The ocean is just beautiful! The weather has been amazing. Life here is paradise! And then I had this dream last night that the oil was here. Like a swarm of jellyfish that ride in on the current and invade…