Monthly Archives: June 2010

Where Am I? #7

Oh man I got y’all good!! Nobody answered last weeks question right. The location is the little trinkett shop called Jose Gaspar’s on the north side of town. I cannot be sure the picture of Jose is an authentic portrait but I do know…

Oil Spills And Silver Linings

There is not much you can say about this catastrophe except when will it be over? It is horrible and ugly and leaving a stain on Mother Nature’s gifts. I definitely feel helpless and often find myself hoping that it…

Did You See That Car?

I was trying to think of something clever to say but really there is nothing. I love this car. A smile evokes from my head to my feet each time it would pass. Art demonstrated from the purest place of…

Where Am I? #6

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR….where i be, yer mangy scalawags?…. As fer the grand fish…ye be at a place where they used to serve some fine grog..but i hear that it may come again fer ya landlubbers!