Monthly Archives: January 2011

Mason Music Flagler Beach

It’s a warm comfortable spring day on a Friday during Flagler Beach’s weekly Farmer’s Market. There is a new Music Shop open on this day with a huge sign that says MUSIC LESSONS. At first glance, it looks as if…

Flagler Beach vs San Luis Obisbo

 It’s funny how the universe lines up just right sometimes…  There have been a few things I’ve wanted to write about lately but haven’t and then I was rolling with the big O…as in Oprah…and I knew then what tomorrow would…

Jimmy Blumenfeld: Flagler Surf Star

Did you know the web cam was installed for the simple reason of checking the waves? Surfers have long gotten a bad rap for being folks impervious to details and responsibilities. Being a surfer myself, I know many who are…

Hello 2011…

Happy New Years Everyone!!  Would you believe me if I told you I lost my pen… It seems as though my life has gotten in the way of my passions for a while.  That and trying to deal with Mother…