Monthly Archives: March 2011

Flagler Beach First Friday

I learned a few years back to quit being mad at the weather…Ido believe it was that simple statement that got me through the unusually cold and drawn out winter we experienced.  So now that we have rain I am…

Flagler Beach Surf Star…Eric Worley

He walked up to the beach a child in tight jeans and cowboy boots and stands now in the sand, a man finding his path to happiness. Flagler Beach Surf Star…Eric Worley. For as long as I can remember Eric…

OMG there was a hanging at the Beanery…

  Just kidding…kind of. It seems I have traded my pen for the paintbrush these last few weeks and that is why I have been so quiet. I’m sure you have missed me. Never fear I have too much to…

It’s Christmas Come True in Flagler Beach

Christmas Come True has finally found a little home and it’s in Flagler Beach! Christmas Come True is a nonprofit organization started in 2009, who for the past 2 years has helped Flagler County families by providing Christmas dinner, new…