Monthly Archives: April 2012

Hi, my name is…

Carla with a sea… added with a Me-shell…and I love Flagler Beach. I love bonfires on the beach and to hear the ice cream truck coming down the road as my children freak out with excitement.  I love sea turtles,…

Momma Turtle…

It’s so cool when nature happens in your own back yard… We have a little box turtle who just laid her eggs last night right by the window…My sister said we should put a small mark with polish on her…

“Joint Operations” take FL Roc at Strickland’s Farm

In my early 20’s I developed the desire to compete in a triathlon.  That need has changed and been replaced with running and jumping into pits of mud with my friends and family.   Saturday morning Fl Roc hosted their running…

I surfed…

hijacked from Scott Triplett (Beachside Bakery view) On the way home last night from Publix (no major disasters there except for an irate elderly women) I professed the desire to drive A1A for an ocean view.  To my great surprise…

North Beach Spring Break Camp…Good Times

Flagler County is celebrating Spring Break this week as hundreds of kids and families have been cruising around town, basking in Mother Nature’s best weather yet this season.  The ocean brought out it’s aces as it complimented the sky with…

Folkin up the 80’s at Flagler Beach First Friday

Growing up in the 80’s wave of big hair and neon lace spandex, I learned to appreciate and filter through this period of my life as what became inspiration to live out loud.  The music I listened to is a…