Monthly Archives: May 2013

Friday Food Fun…Beet Burgers!

Well it’s Friday and everyone has to eat – so why not make it fun- and try…Beet Burgers?!? I must confess that as a child when the dish of beets appeared on our dinner table I would cringe in disgust,…

Cart Life Thursday…you will never believe what I saw!!!

If you didn’t get the memo…Flagler Beach allows you to drive around in Golf Carts…Awesome! The greatest part about cruising in a cart is all the neato stuff you see while the wind blows through your hair and bugs fly…

Naturally Cool Wednesday…Nature Scapes Ecological Farm

  As the world around us thrusts itself into technological madness, I find it refreshing to watch people dig in their heels and simplify.  This weeks Naturally Cool Wednesday is Nature Scapes ECO Farm, located on 325 Old Brick Road,…

Spontaneous Tuesday…got married and published a book!

Spontaneous Tuesday… I almost missed you because I am so SPonTAneous! Since yesterday was a holiday- a very important one- I decided to give myself the day off but never fear… living by the seat of pants I managed to…

Friday Food Fun…Stuffed Goodness

I am an average cook, don’t like to bake– but I love to EaT! Wahoo! it’s Friday and to kick off the very first Friday Food Fun post I have chosen to celebrate Olive My Pickle – because everything they sell is…

Cart Life Thursdays…gone surfing

Without a doubt one of the coolest additions to the Flagler Beach lifestyle  is getting to ride around town in a golf cart… Awesomeness!  Welcome to Cart Life Thursdays… Today the Golf Cart was used to take Lil’ P an…

Flagler Spotlight: Flagler Beach Gift Shop

Sometimes the fun part of cruising around Flagler Beach is discovering the treasure tucked away in the corner – Flagler Spotlight introduces Flagler Beach Gift Shop, located in the plaza at Finn’s Beachside Pub. It’s the bright green storefront behind…

Naturally Cool Wednesday…Manatees

The below manatees were found frolicking in the water at Tomoka State Park–but remember just because they are close enough to touch doesn’t mean you should 🙂 Manatee Info- Other aliases: West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) Sea Cow (slow grazer…

Flagler Surf Star…Robbie McCormick

In it’s lifetime Flagler Beach has played host to an amazing amount of surfing talent, Frieda Zamba being the most famous with many others paving the way and following after in her sandy footprints.  A new name to add to…

I’m going back to Cali…Part 2

Continued From: Going Back to Cali… The next part of this story is like getting off a ski lift with a snowboard strapped to your foot for the first time ever…and thinking “oh crap, you mean they don’t stop at…