Monthly Archives: August 2014

Stay-Cation…Daytona Beach Style.

This past weekend my family finally celebrated end of summer with a staycation in Daytona Beach and yes, I am chuckling with you. You see for the last several years we have been causally collecting all our coinage under the…

#TBT…under the rainbow

As many benefits as there are to living in a small town, there are also some drawbacks. These last few weeks it feels like a heavy rain cloud has sat over top of Flagler Beach, throwing down lightning bolts and…

Being different helps…

Flagler Beach has made national and perhaps international news by hosting a 1 in 30 million rare yellow lobster.  The creature was spotted in the Publix lobster tank by an employee and with the help of locals Marybeth Jeitner and Heather…