Monthly Archives: December 2014

“Light Up Flagler Beach 2014” it’s Tradition!

Twinkling Christmas lights are like a month long fireworks display….with surprises around every corner. When the plan was hatched to initiate this fun tradition, there was a whole lot of “flying by the seat of our pants” going on.  At…

Flagler Beach Webcam update and so much more…

Well it finally happened; the webcam was taken down and dissected by a professional.  The prognosis: the camera is in unbelievable condition considering the elements it has been exposed to (you know what I’m talking about if you have ever…

Light Up Flagler Beach: Christmas Light Contest

Also sponsored and supported by: Palm Coast Signs, High Tide @ Snack Jacks, Golden Lion Cafe and Break-Awayz For several years I have wanted to have a neighborhood Christmas Lights contest.  For no other reason than wanting to motivate folks to…