Category: Blog

To My Flagler Peeps..#1

(sing to music of o x-mas tree) … Oh easter egg tree, oh easter egg tree …how beautiful your eggs are… (now re-peat 🙂 where am I ?? just leave the location in the comment box..first person to get all…

Shout Out To The Peas…

Let it be known that I think this is very silly… and I might have helped to pay for it… Let it also be known that I accept the fact that I do not know or understand what it is…

Just journal it.

Well I missed the Turtle Festival again and am kinda bummed. I was able to pass by for a moment and it looked like a nice turnout. I am partial to events being in the park. I feel that we…

The Beginning..

I wasn’t going to start this blog until my personal one showed some sort of promise..and then I thought well that could be forever so I had better get moving. So Island Times is what I came up with when…