Where Am I? #9
Being the operator of this piece of heavy equipment I am making an executive decision to end the “where am i” contest. the winner by a long stretch is my fantastic supporter DDP! oh the excitement he should be feeling…
Being the operator of this piece of heavy equipment I am making an executive decision to end the “where am i” contest. the winner by a long stretch is my fantastic supporter DDP! oh the excitement he should be feeling…
And the winner is, DDP! cheers, bells and whistles from the audience what makes this prize all the more mysterious is the absolute refusal of my computer to print this picture right side up. so there you have it…
So i wasn’t going to do this last one, I was quitting the Game I started and throwing in the towel. Finished, done, over.…and then I got a phone call and figured well, why not? seeing as how this is…
number 9, number 9, number 9…–smile big and wonder where i am, for this will be the end my friend. –and so clever you are, ms. sea turtle in her beauty lives at the big house they call tee-times
swimming, swimming…. over the ocean blue,where am I? And yes the last sign was on the east side of of the bridge in the median..wahoo
Oh man I got y’all good!! Nobody answered last weeks question right. The location is the little trinkett shop called Jose Gaspar’s on the north side of town. I cannot be sure the picture of Jose is an authentic portrait but I do know…
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR….where i be, yer mangy scalawags?…. As fer the grand fish…ye be at a place where they used to serve some fine grog..but i hear that it may come again fer ya landlubbers!
Where am I?? #5………Here fishy,fishy…….you know the drill :)….as for the doggie…belongs to my first favorite house in flagler..southside 15th on A1A… everytime i pass i begin to sing……how much is that doggie in the window..woof-woof.. and now so can…
Where am I #4…and so do you know where this cute little dog lives?? Put your comment down below and maybe you’ll get to win that amazing mysterious prize Last weeks picture was hijacked from the super cool “Pegasus…
okay my reader…i did not get much feedback last week, so this one is easy peasy… …..where am i?? #3….. place your answer in the comment box and the person who gets the closest to all 10 right gets a…