Ladies Surf Adventure in El Salvador

Myself and 14 awesome women headed to El Salvador for a ladies surf adventure this past April. We were hosted by Hotel Alma Azul in Las Flores which was an amazing place to chill between surf sessions. We were greeted warmly by the locals and adventured in to Los Cuco’s for some authentic and delicious pupusas and a local soccer match. Some ladies even headed off shore and caught enough fish to feed us, the whole hotel staff with more to share with the town.

Surf Xplore was our expert guide at surf breaks and on land with video analysis. They also hooked us up with some great videographers and photographers. Getting close to 50 years young, I caught some of the best waves of my life and have proof to share.

I was able to attend this trip of a lifetime thanks to funds raised last year by HerTurn Surf Festival. The event featured donated surfboards from Stewart Maxcy, Randy Casimir, Tango Surfboards by Ryan Conklin on my behalf as I was in the middle of fighting breast cancer. I am forever grateful.

The trip was 5 stars. Highly recommend. Definitely worth crossing the bridge for 🙌