For the past two weeks I have been fortunately involved with a camp called Girls Get It. It is a Surf and Science camp for girls ages 14-18, taking place at Si Como No Inn, with the intent of getting girls motivated towards careers in scientific fields. Awesome are the words I would use to describe this event. These girls get a little taste of everything from NASA, National Gua
rd “rockwalls”, DEP, Whitney Lab and did I mention Surfing!!
And it was FREE…no charge…on the house…Seriously very cool!!
Oh, and my mommy cohort and I were on hand to help with things in the artsy crafty department. You know, macrame hemp necklaces and a fashion show! Yes, donning self designed works of art out of t-shirts, they strut their fabulous selves down a makeshift catwalk and end the night with a drum circle, African dance and celebratory bonfire–life is good.
all photos by A.J. Neste
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