I have been a total lazy writer these days but the other morning my mind was brimming with activity and story ideas…did I mention it was four am. When my body finally caught up with my marathon running brain waves I happened to look out the window and see a red tinted sky filtering through the trees. I knew a trip to the beach to witness the sun’s prominent rise out of the ocean was necessary. I grabbed Lil P and stepped out on our morning adventure. Before we crossed our first street a deer stood in the glow of the rising star. Truly an awesome and serene moment. As I tried to get a decent picture a raccoon jetted across our path. Lions and tigers and bears — oh my.
When we finally made our way to the ocean’s edge the horizon was filled with most extraordinary clouds I have ever seen. It looked like a mix between the terrain of another planet or the silhouettes of prehistoric creatures. So Cool!