Right now in my little town hundreds of people awoke to voices…very clear voices permeating through our crispy blue horizon. Voices followed by an army of scantily clad people in rubber suits armed with shields tied to their ankles running out into a frothy ocean battle. Yes, it is very clear we have been invaded.
The invasion is the 12th Annual Tommy Tant Memorial Surf Contest sponsored by Nautica. Pretty amazing if you remember that this event started out as a school project and now has grown to include a global sponsor and world wide attention. So what’s the back story you wonder…
Tommy was a friend of mine and the stories I could share with you are perhaps not fit for this family website however, the legacy he has left brings tears to your eyes and fills your heart with good will…Will his brother that is, who has led the charge to making the world a better place and keeping Tommy’s spirit alive.
Tommy passed away at the age of 24 from an aortic aneurysm. This heart breaking moment has been the catalyst to an effort in raising thousands and thousands of dollars for local scholarships and money donated to our community food bank. A two day festival of surfing, arts,music, food and friendship rising up to the sky on a two story scaffold decorated with banners. It is a sight to behold and a part of history in the making.
And now I must go as I am helping put together the Food Festival taking place in Veterans Park tonight at 5:00 p.m. tickets available at the door. Local restaurants are donating their time to feed the hungry masses while Josh Garrels plays his magical music. Come join the fun and help make difference. Cheers!
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