I’m totally exposing myself…so please read!

When I make a mistake I usually try to fix it…here is my attempt.

Tonight, Jan 23 there was supposed to be a benefit in honor of Mike “Bowler” Cristello who is fighting stage 4 Melanoma skin cancer.  The event was to be held at the Fisherman’s Net and the owner George Gunn and many other volunteers stepped up quickly to take action.  It was unfortunately cancelled due to a series of events, largely impart of some great mis-information and I feel responsible for being a part of it.  I should have looked closer at what was being said instead of taking one person’s opinion as the whole truth.  However, I am human and was trying to do the honest thing.

The horrible part of this story is that Bowler still needs our support.  There can never be enough money to fight cancer!  I apologize to  his whole family –they have enough to worry about–

So for the last few sleepless nights I have been trying to figure out how to remedy the situation when a good friend shared this video with me…it will break your heart…and then it will make you realize that this is not just Mike’s battle, it is all of ours.

Dear 16-year-old me,

And so I have a vision and am calling out to the entire community…the state…the world.  We could put on a benefit to help Mike and so many others.  It could appear like your standard festival by the beach (if you know me I’m a large fan of throwing parties by the ocean) but there would be the added element of free Melanoma skin screenings.  Most people I know don’t have insurance and even more are in denial that there could be a potential time bomb lying within their epidermis.  The best defense is a great offense and if people are better informed maybe they can prevent what Mike is experiencing right now.   We could also put on a run to help the cause and raise some cash.  So these are a few of my ideas, I have more.

Melanoma is a treatable cancer if caught early otherwise it is considered quite fatal.  We all go outside and most of us prefer it…that’s why we live here in this beautiful place, and that’s why all of us should join together .  So I am asking all of you…if you can share this vision with me I would be eternally grateful.

Contact me at this email : pnelop1@yahoo.com

Thanks so much! Cheers-