Surf Stories..the one that changed everything
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Yesterday morning I decided to brave the crisp temperatures in order to get a photo of the sunrise. Approaching A1A I noticed just above the horizon 6 very thin glowing ribbons of light. A few of them just a speck…
Dan Worley’s Flagler Surf Series #4 was a total success this past weekend, much thanks to the nice swell that came in on Sunday and blue skies warming up shivering goose-pimpled skin. From the outside it looked like a giant…
Flagler Beach is celebrating our very best and most amazing artisans every third Sunday of the month, at Veterans Park in Flagler Beach. The festival starts at 10:00am and carries on through the day until 4:00 pm with entertainment and…
It is such a beautiful day at the beach — and there are whales calving and migrating– It’s so busy the web cam is on overload from everyone wanting to take a peek…so here’s a killer video from a local…