Monthly Archives: February 2013

I witnessed beams of light in the sky…

Yesterday morning I decided to brave the crisp temperatures in order to get a photo of the sunrise.  Approaching A1A I noticed just above the horizon 6 very thin glowing ribbons of light.  A few of them just a speck…

Flagler Surf Series #4…busting at the seams with talent.

Dan Worley’s Flagler Surf Series #4 was a total success this past weekend, much thanks to the nice swell that came in on Sunday and blue skies warming up shivering goose-pimpled skin. From the outside it looked like a giant…

Flagler Spotlight: Flagler Fine Art Festivals

Flagler Beach is celebrating our very best and most amazing artisans every third Sunday of the month, at Veterans Park in Flagler Beach.  The festival starts at 10:00am  and carries on through the day until 4:00 pm with entertainment and…

Beautiful day and a cool video…

It is such a beautiful day at the beach — and there are whales calving and migrating– It’s so busy the web cam is on overload from everyone wanting to take a peek…so here’s a killer video from a local…