I have a confession…”I don’t know what I am doing.” (The Giant Mechanical Man
When I first started writing a blog, a few years back, I had visions of a biography, novels and a children’s book series pouring from my mind. I thought that if I started “putting myself out there” maybe I would develop a routine and perhaps a writing style. None of these have happened and in the process I’ve realized a few things– I’m really uncomfortable writing about myself (lately I’ve been hiding behind question and answer interviews) and I am terrified of being a crappy writer. It is terrible to be bad at something you really like…fortunately for me there are many things I like so I am used to being terrible.
But kidding aside, I am now going to make an effort to be more transparent and no this does not mean I’m going to unearth that old worn out bathing suit that has stretched perfectly to all my curvy parts. It just means I am going to talk more about myself and hopefully not cause you to hurl you local favorite lunch spot special onto your keyboard or smart phone and later send me bills for repair, which I won’t be able to pay because my insurance only covers damage from acts of terrorism or snow.
Just kidding- I don’t have insurance.
So for now- in these final hours–I’ve decided to begin “let’s talk about Me – Mondays” until Google Analytics tells me this was a terrible idea… and then I have to compensate by sending you one of these…
Cheers! Carla Michelle