Naturally Cool Wednesday…Nature Scapes Ecological Farm


eco farm

As the world around us thrusts itself into technological madness, I find it refreshing to watch people dig in their heels and simplify.  This weeks Naturally Cool Wednesday is Nature Scapes ECO Farm, located on 325 Old Brick Road, Bunnell, Florida.

 The address alone gives you an impression of something special…a tropical oasis set back in the woods complete with Buddha statues, fire pits and beautiful rescued exotic birds that greet you with “hello” and “tickle, tickle.” Nature Scapes Gardens is a full service design landscaper, florist and garden center, however, just across the dirt road is the newest member of the family… the ECO farm.

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 The passionate farmer toiling in the dirt is Pasang Biata, it’s her love and knowledge of plants and animals combined with the expertise of her husband Chris and mother in law Mary Lou that make the garden a recipe for success.  Only in it’s first season- the farm is growing strong and the produce is delicious.  Her baskets of mixed seasonal veggies have been a hit and sold out with a quickness.  Pasang also intends to add fresh eggs and on the horizon goat’s milk and cheese.

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So grab your kids and visit: Nature Scapes Ecological Farm: wander through a diverse palette of produce, free range chickens, goats, and enjoy a sense of connection with the ecology.

Listed are the sustainable practices implemented on our farm:
~ No pesticides
~ USDA certified organic seeds
~ GMO free crops 
~ Compost 
~ Biological control
~ Free range chickens and goats
~ Rain harvesting 
For more info: Nature Scapes ECO Farm or call 386-871-0441 email us at —
friend them on Facebook and receive all kinds of info for you growing needs 🙂


 Tell them Flagler Surf sent you 🙂

Check in tomorrow and see what’s up in Cart Life Thursday…

island-times-footerand don’t forget to read about Flagler Surf Star: Robbie McCormick

and Flagler Spotlight: Flagler Beach Gift Shop

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