I came across World Environment Day hosted by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) when trying to update the events calendar… and quite frankly think that everyday should be Environment Day- because we live in a beautiful place and we should cherish it.
This year’s theme is Think.Eat.Save- an anti-food waste and food loss campaign that encourages you to reduce your foodprint. Its purpose is to inform people to not waste food and educate them on why making better food choices helps the environment.
* FAO estimates that a third of global food production is either wasted or lost.
* global food production occupies 25% of all habitable land and is responsible for 70% of fresh
water consumption, 80% of deforestation, and 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. It is the
largest single driver of biodiversity loss and land-use change.
* purposefully select foods that have less of an environmental impact, such as organic foods that
do not use chemicals in the production process
* choosing to buy locally can also mean that foods are not flown halfway across the world and
therefore limit emissions.
-info above taken from: http://www.unep.org/wed/theme/
My family and many of my friends have become very conscious about their food choices with most of them beginning to grow their own food or seeking co-ops that support local farmers. I also try to be mindful about the packaging my food comes in- as my kiddos will tell you I am not a fan of buying drinks in plastic bottles- it’s the one thing I have found easy to eliminate. As with anything though we a have lots of room for improvement but at least we are thinking about it!
Here’s a great environmental movie you should definitely watch with family.
It will make you laugh, cry, and inspire you to have hope for the future. Totally gets two thumbs of from me!
So Happy World Environment Day To You! Cheers