Naturally Cool Wednesday…Baby Sea Turtles!

We are so fortunate to live in an area where amazing creatures have been laying their eggs for over a million years…

and the eggs have been hatching!

turtle patrol

7-28-13 sunrise



 On my morning adventures to see the sun I have come across two momma turtles heading back to sea after laying their eggs, but I haven’t witnessed a turtle nest excavation this year.   Many of my ocean loving friends have had the pleasure watching Flagler Turtle Patrol dig out a nest, count how many eggs have hatched and help any last minute stragglers to the ocean’s edge.

This next Wednesday they will be excavating a Green Turtle nest on the north side of town and hopefully good news will prevail.

baby turtles

Turtle Season begins in May and runs through to the end of October.  The nests incubate for 2 months after which the baby turtles hatch and begin one of the hardest adventures of their lifetime…making it to the ocean.  The Turtle Patrol is only allowed to dig out the nest 3 days after the baby’s have hatched.  Many times they find turtles that have yet make it to the surface…providing them a second chance at life and for folks like us… a lifetime chance.

For more info check out Flagler Turtle Patrol on Facebook—You can even adopt one  turtle nests for your very own…or perhaps for a special someone.

Sea Turtles Who Call Florida Home:

Green Turtle

Hawksbill Turtle

Leatherback Turtle

Kemp’s Ridley

Loggerhead Turtle

Turtle Trivia

  • Florida beaches are home to 80% of Loggerhead turtles in the U.S.
  • Turtles can migrate thousands of miles, but usually return to lay their eggs on the same beach where they hatched
  • Sea turtles have existed for over one hundred million years
  • It can take 15 – 50 years before a sea turtle is capable of reproducing
  • Scientists estimate that only 1 in 1000 to 10,000 babies will survive to adulthood
  • Sea turtles live their entire life in the ocean. The only time they comes ashore is when the female lays her eggs.
  • Sea turtles are reptiles. They breathe air, and can hold their breath for long periods of time.
  • When its time to sleep, a loggerhead will wedge under a rock close to the shore, or take a snooze while floating on the surface of deep water
  • Hatchelings weigh less than one ounce and are only two inches long. Adults can grow over 3 feet long and weigh 200 to 300 pounds!
  • The nest temperature during incubation determines a sea turtle’s sex. Boys like it cool – Girls like it hot.
  • Sea turtles have great underwater vision, but are nearsighted out of the water.
  • Although sea turtles do not have external ears, they are capable of hearing low frequency sounds and vibrations
  • Sea turtles use their strong jaws to crush a diet of crabs, shrimp, mussels, and jelly fish.

Facts compliments of

So Cheers to the Turtles and being Cool Naturally!