It’s National Creativity Month…let’s celebrate with personal information.

January is the time when we say goodbye to the passing year,  hopefully some of our bad habits and make way for change.  While there are things I am changing/adding to Flagler Surf to keep the energy flowing…”Local Color and In my Belly”… I have also decided to get a little more personal.

Every day in the past few months that I was silent, inside my mind I was writing and sharing with you adventures…why, because I like to write… but my flame had dimmed, actually went out.  I was in the dark, surrounded by menacing  feelings of  ” I’ll never be as good as those writing people” and “this is all just a waste of time.”  But what can I say… I like torture and so now I am back, shaking it off with a renewed spirit of what’s the worst that can happen.  Nobody reads this nonsense- well then that’s the way it goes.  The antagonist who dwells in the same small cavernous space as the sugar junky who keeps me from eating my greens, not to be confused with the alien clown that lives in my stomach…that person who would rather scroll mindlessly on Facebook living other people’s lives  is definitly not invited to sit with me as I struggle happily weaving a semi correct grammatical statement together…and that is why I decided to personally invite you in. Now do you understand~

 So goodbye 2013…Hello…


So now here is the first big step… I am going to reveal my resolutions but more importantly my dreams~ not all of them, sorry, I can’t change that quickly.

The resolutions:

  • drink more water…huge, I have the worst time staying hydrated
  • exercise…blah, blah, blah- however my friend- we will call her SuZanity has gotten our butts in gear- thank you!
  • eat less sugar… I am trying, but sometimes my teeth sweat for sugar- weird huh. I find keeping busy helps the most.
  • get organized…story of my life
  • surf more…this one is big because it’s cold…and I like to act like a baby but I’m gonna give it my best shot
  • get financially on track…this means budget, grocery shop to a list and finally start turning a profit with things that are profitable.


Update- I surfed today! WAHOO:))



Now for the dreams…this isn’t terrifying just uncomfortable.  No more than uncomfortable…scary, because I am allowing myself a space for failure in front of people and while I am completely competent at making a scene this is just different. So here it is…

  • write a book… that’s why I’m here…words don’t write themselves.
  • paint… I love painting- I finally admitted it.  I have been watching folks around me taking off on their dreams and I want to ride too.
  • be interviewed by Oprah… I’d say “who doesn’t” but really who wouldn’t want to do something so amazing that Oprah wants to share it
  • Make a million dollars by making people smile… this is rated G…my mind can swim in the gutter too.  Leaving this to the Universe.
  • Surf a contest and win…i am not a contest surfer, mainly because I would want to win- the dichotomy of life.
  • bungee jump…in New Zealand- yes, very specific.  If you are gonna go- go big. I have also wanted to squirrel suit jump- I’m over that one:)
  • Learn an instrument…banjo, didgeridoo but maybe I’ll start with guitar- I’d also like to take voice lessons- I can murder a song.
  • Connect with old friends…this is a strong, scary but warm feeling that  keeps shining brighter within.
  • Have a tree house in a warm place with great waves out front…enough said.
  • Own a VW van…although my family is trumping this little dream with an RV…would love to take life on the road for a while.
  • write for a magazine…but really I am doing this here…now…sort of.
  • illustrate my own book…I’ve got ideas!
  • Meet Xavier Rudd…i don’t know…just thought it would be kind of cool to follow him on tour and write about it.
  • go to the Oregon County Fair…and see the redwoods.  I am a travel, music, hippy lover.
  • travel…there is no end to this dream. it is always and forever.
  • Make money with this website… My personal time get’s smaller and shoved into odd hours of the dark… I need to start making things happen and this is a profitable aspect that I have been dragging around the longest.  So if you have any ideas to help this along– I have healthy sized ears for listening…

Be Vulnerable, Be Brave, Be Flexible, Be Open, Be Trusting

So while this is not all of my dreams, I am now asking you…in honor of National Creativity month to post some of your wild and crazy life fulfilling dreams…

 here is my start to a life of painting. I’ve got a long way to go…but you can never get there if you don’t start. Cheers to the New Year!

art college