I’m not a critic but a lover of food
It has been great to see Flagler Beach eateries transform into places worth bragging about. Many have added amazing views and most have taken on the nightmare of stripping down to their studs, providing their loved customers a clean slate in which to be wined and dined. In My Belly for the time being will feature different local restaurants, probably a story and what I consider something yummy for my tummy. First on the list:
In case you hadn’t heard… the little shack on the beach with Valet Parking has been around and functioning since 1947. My family occasionally dined there in the late 80’s early 90’s, being one of our favorite stops as my sisters and I could frolic on the beach while the folks talked shop over a beer. The proverbial rule “you can play in the water but you can’t get wet” would always get broken accidentally by a mysterious rogue wave, but in those days sandy, soaked kiddos could still ride in the back of a pick-up truck, to later be hosed off outside in the front yard.
So it made perfect sense after dropping out of college to further my education in the “school of life” that I would consider working there top priority. I spent a total of 8 years growing up within the windows of Snack Jacks’s ocean view. A time in my life I would never change and look back fondly upon, with the bonus being the food was always tasty…
Which brings me to My Favorite…hands down…the best anywhere…and believe me I have ordered this dish more than a few times:
Spiced Steamed Shrimp.
A big pile of perfectly steamed shrimp… spiced with Old Bay seasoning… a dish of melted better and some homemade cocktail sauce…Delicious.
Now for some folks getting dirty with peel and eat shrimp is the last thing they want to do while eating out. During my serving career I had been coerced more than a couple times into peeling a customer’s shrimp with the help of Alexander Hamilton and some friends for moral support. But if you are a true shrimp lover then there are no worries- I think of it as a dietary aid…helping me eat slower and savoring the bite. Add to that my favorite Hush Puppy sidekick and celebratory bucket of ice cold beers…what more could you ask for in life- oh yeah, a ridiculous view!
Seriously, this is a reason people move here.
And I’ll let you in on a secret…on Tuesday’s they are serving up a pound of these decadent little crustaceans for $$10– how’s that for a deal!
So if you haven’t checked em out…you should…otherwise, you are down with one of the secrets in Flagler Beach. Cheers and enjoy!
Editors note: we were eating a celebration meal in honor of my son’s Terrific Kid Award–
icing on the cake…or should I say Key Lime Pie! YUM!!
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