earth day is coming…we must tell the president!

Earth Day is on the horizon and like Mother’s Day should be celebrated… Everyday.

save earth

I wish I could say that I am a top rated  steward of our giant rock, but unfortunately there are many facets of my daily life that would bring scowly faces to the Supreme Environmentalists.   Listing them all would be a waste of space, however I make a constant effort to improve and attempt filling in the divots  by educating my children to make better choices. Picking up litter is one of the first lessons I’ve instilled in their malleable brains and while it’s sad they get so much practice, it makes me feel good they are aware.   

To be honest almost all my environmental tendencies are propelled by a genetically inherited trait called “frugality.”  Being cheap and green comes inherently natural to me, so taking the extra steps doesn’t seem like a waste of time.   You have to want too…and unfortunately our society has become so lazy, wanting a quick fix and easy route to utopia.  Ultimately leading us towards impending doom. (Inconvenient Truth) So that’s why today maybe you will decide one choice differently.  That one choice will lead to another choice, which makes the next one even easier, then you are on a roll and will be celebrating Earth Day every day too! weeeeeeeeee…….

To inspire some of you…here are a few of our family earth-friendly practices:

  • *keeping a plastic pitcher in the bath to fill up while waiting for hot water… the water collected is used for our potted plants.
  • *hanging clothes on the line… energy saving and extends the life of the wardrobe. (I loved running through a clothesline when I was a kid–the dampness of the sheets felt so refreshing on hot summer days)
  • *I almost never buy plastic bottled drinks…ever.  I cringe at bottled water and it avoids debates over sugary drinks.  It does happen sometimes because who wants to dye of thirst, but I always look for something in a can if possible. need inspiration watch Tapped!
  • *Install a Cistern– they aren’t very expensive and some are kind of cool looking. Great for kiddos who like to help water plants, as you are not wasting water with the hose running.  Just make sure you aren’t breeding mosquitos, one of our summer issues.
  • *Grow your own food- honestly, we would starve if it were up to my garden skills, but I try because it is so rewarding when my children get to experience something they helped produce.
  • *Reusable containers for snacks…every time I use a zip lock it hurts (my mom washes hers:)…but I use them, sparingly.  So when I can throw a snack into a container that makes me a little happier.  Also its cheaper than buying snacks already packaged.
  • *Not crossing the bridge…this is my personal way to save the earth.  If you didn’t know, I am not a fan of driving and would prefer to walk, skateboard, bike or thankfully use a golf cart to get around.  But when I do have to cross the bridge I try to fit as many errands into one so that I make the most of it:)
  • *Upcycling- my favorite way to recycle is reusing something.  I recently turned some old abandoned tires into my new compost bin.

flip flops

How bout these Upcycled flip-flops by Trav-ler Uncl E…

save earth collage This is my nifty plant container slash center of close-line pole…and porch garden:) 

I’d love to bore you with more rhetoric of how awesome my family is at being earth friendly but I’m pretty sure you get the drift.  Now comes the fun part…This month’s contest!

What are some of the best ways you Save the Earth? Click here for Rules to Enter.

This month’s contest is sponsored by the awesome Flagler Fish Company.  Flagler Fish totally makes efforts to Save the Planet by not only buying a majority of their food locally  but also purchasing recycled paper take out containers!  High Fives to them!!


And if you are a Flagler Beach resident you should take advanced of this opportunity to clean out your dirty spaces~


Saturday, May 17th 9am-1pm at Flagler Beach Library.

Want to support Flagler Surf…buy a sticker and change the world.

(shhhh- i know stickers are bad for the environment)


because really it is…


don’t plant a lawn- support Xeriscaping 


One afternoon I was talking a walk on the beach

and started picking up stray pieces of garbage.

I looked around and thought “What if someone sees

me and they decide to pick up a couple pieces of trash

and then someone sees them and they pick up some trash

and it spreads…”

True Story~

Happy Earth Day!!