Might take me a while but eventually I get there…I feel very fortunate to love what I am doing and although I don’t have it all together yet…I am okay with the small steps. So here’s a little help from folks who have reached out to share what makes them happy.
Louise Palmieri shared this beautiful picture (2-18-14) titled “Follow that Rainbow” and by the looks of it she found the pot of gold.
LeighAnn Simmons Koch took this amazing photo of a whale plowing through a school of fish on the north side of Flagler Beach (2-20-14.)
Patricia Peterson Hale felt I needed a water tower photo…and I have to say I agree. I remember when the town poet, Stan Drescher was raising money to put our name on that tower. Wished I would have witness the painting being done as I’ve always wondered how it happens!
Preston Zepp (awesome name btw) contributed this lovely photo from a peaceful morning fish session (3-9-14.)
He followed up with these contributions from his wife and daughter who also enjoy taking pictures of the beach and sunsets/rises. They live in Palm Coast but love spending time at the waters edge. His daughter loves to body board and is soon going to get a surf lesson from her pops- wahoo!
Preston remarks, “Besides being a awesome day for the beach, we were there to meet up with a couple of Army buddies I hadn’t seen since we got back from the first Gulf War. They love Flagler Beach btw. And sometimes its not what’s on the end of your line, but the catch is just being there.” I feel the same way Preston and thanks so much for loving this place too!
And then to wrap up this cool post of Localism– My neighbor Bob snapped these beauties on the way to the office.
Yes I do believe we are pretty lucky folks to have this at our fingertips…
Hope you have a wonderful day and if you feel like sharing – send me your goods @ flaglesurf.com@gmail.com.