I have to admit…I have said that I look forward to the kids going back to school. Yes, I am a selfish person.
When summer was peering it’s sparkly eyes across the doldrums of school days end, I had “delusions of grandeur” in my mind. Exciting day trips, cool homemade crafts, yummy concoctions that were both healthy and kid approved, laughter, giggles, surfing, sandcastles and loads of pictures to prove that I was an awesome mom. It was going to be great! And then last week I realized that summer was half way over and the only adventures in our log books were across town to Target. I jest, we did venture up to North Carolina for a quick family visit and High School graduation, but otherwise it’s been a pretty boring summer. Just like the ones I remember when I was a kid.
I have tried…and in my defense the age gap between a four and twelve year old is large when devising no/low cost entertainment. I am also guilty of trying to get “a few more things done” and leaving the kiddos to their own devices, which usually means a couple extra hours of TV time. They don’t complain but the effects of their brains turning to mush are evident. So the other day when the bickering started I banished them to the outside world. It worked for my parents. The best part… after the sulking subsided was the imagination that emerged, followed by some quality teamwork. Proud momma moment…and I didn’t even do anything.
First a basket was devised to get necessary supplies up to the porch.
and then the fort was built…mother and kid approved
So to continue on this small wave of momentum, I am making an effort to try and finish summer on a positive note, by turning off and tuning in~