Monthly Archives: September 2016

Dear K.C. 9-26-16

A question people have been asking…Where the heck is K.C.? We all know that getting a straight answer is out of the question, but at least he wasn’t sending any of us requests for bail money. At least not me…

Feel Good Friday: Body, Mind and Spirit.

Hello world! Boy, do I feel like sharing today. Could be one of those posts that you need to sit and read somewhere quiet, like under a tree, in your car or perhaps the bathroom.  Your choice of course. 🙂 This past…

Feel Good Friday!

In honor of #labordayweekend and #hurricanhermine we are selling this apron for $10 – $15 if it has to be mailed in US. If out of US I have no idea ? (never had that problem:) 1st person to send an email to is the…