First day of Summer… #FlaglerStyle

Today is the first day of Summer,  yesterday was International Day of Surfing and in a couple weeks it’s July 4th! These are just a few of my favorite things.

I could be surfing more but considering what’s going on outside of my bubble, I am very thankful. So I’m just gonna wrap up the rest of my thoughts and let you enjoy this killer video of my young friend Skye, a couple pictures of me when I used to surf and throwback to a July 4th watermelon eating contest #flaglerstyle.


Turtle Vision II from Alex Hobbs on Vimeo.

photos by Monique
*thinking that maybe if I post pictures of me surfing it will motivate me to paddle out.

Hey, I’m the shorty on the right — good times!

So that’s it. Short and sweet. Now you can go back to making the world a better place.
Love, Me.