Author Archives: Flagler Surf

About Flagler Surf

Loving this space and sharing it with you.

Where Am I? #7

Oh man I got y’all good!! Nobody answered last weeks question right. The location is the little trinkett shop called Jose Gaspar’s on the north side of town. I cannot be sure the picture of Jose is an authentic portrait but I do know…

Oil Spills And Silver Linings

There is not much you can say about this catastrophe except when will it be over? It is horrible and ugly and leaving a stain on Mother Nature’s gifts. I definitely feel helpless and often find myself hoping that it…

Did You See That Car?

I was trying to think of something clever to say but really there is nothing. I love this car. A smile evokes from my head to my feet each time it would pass. Art demonstrated from the purest place of…

Where Am I? #6

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR….where i be, yer mangy scalawags?…. As fer the grand fish…ye be at a place where they used to serve some fine grog..but i hear that it may come again fer ya landlubbers!

Cheers For Flagler Beach

No I’ve not been abducted by pirates or carried off into the swamp by furry’s just been one of those busy kind of weeks. but i do have a most wonderful peek at something I’ve been occupied with..and will…


I have been violated–no actually I have committed a violation…………………………. There has been a mixing of garbage and recyclables. Honestly, I don’t think I was the perpetrator but I’m pretty sure I know who was and there has been a…

Where Am I? #5

Where am I?? #5………Here fishy,fishy…….you know the drill :)….as for the doggie…belongs to my first favorite house in flagler..southside 15th on A1A… everytime i pass i begin to sing……how much is that doggie in the window..woof-woof.. and now so can…

Did you know…

I am under the impression that the pedestrian walk way in front of the pier is a mandatory stop for the vehicle folk. So if by chance there is a human, usually armed with fishing gear or beach supplies, you…

Where Am I? #4

Where am I #4…and so do you know where this cute little dog lives?? Put your comment down below and maybe you’ll get to win that amazing mysterious prize 🙂 Last weeks picture was hijacked from the super cool “Pegasus…

I Was Abducted By Fruit Flies…

The beautiful weather has arrived! But with these winds of change rides a winged force that knows no boundaries. I am speaking of the fruit fly, which apparently has forgotten it’s name since finding their way into my bathroom and…