Category: Local Color

Flagler Beach’s Local Color…Mark Woods…

There are many people who fit this category, but Mark a.k.a TikiTender is definitely at the top of the list. His ability to casually don a hula skirt and carry on conversation in legitimate pirate jargon are just a few…

Flagler Beach’s Local Color: Joseph Pozzuoli

 I renamed my section of Flagler’s Finest to Local Color because the people who live here make this place cool and Joseph is one of those folks. Joseph Pozzuoli is an architect and his stylish renderings reflect his personality. Leaving…

A tribute to one of Flagler’s Finest: Josh Crews

“My name is Josh Crews-do you know who I am?!” A man that exuded old style southern gentleman charm and hospitality, but suffered a tragic character flaw in his own novel of living life at the edge. Josh and I…

Flagler’s Finest: Hollie Mahoney

There is a reason for everything… the reason why I began this segment of writing called Flagler’s Finest is because of a particular person who represents the special-ness of Flagler Beach and it’s residents. If she lived in Hollywood, you’d…

Flagler’s Finest: Sean Moylan

          Sean Moylan was born in Boston but his family transitioned from a big city Irish community to sleepy Flagler Beach when he was only nine months old.  I have personally known Sean since I was ten and we share…

Flagler’s Finest: Mike Cianciulli

For my second interview I’ve decided to chat with Mike Cianciulli, also known as Chinch.  You may not actually pass him in town very often  these days but you can read about the amazing places he visits as the Managing Editor…