Tag: surf

A favorite hobby…surfing.

I can honestly say, aside from basic life functions,  surfing is one of the hobbies I have done longest in my life. I was introduced to the sport at 11 and did not once look back.  Never being really good,…

I’m a surf mom…

I love to surf and I’m a mom~ This past Saturday I celebrated both by surfing in the Mayday Memorial Surf Classic…in Loving Memory of Dollie Sue Watson. Haley Watson started this contest 4 years ago and last year added…

Local Color: Scott Spradley…Photographer Extraordinaire in the making…

In the days when Flagler Beach was actually the iconic fishing village seasoned locals reminisce about, Scott Spradley would periodically visit from the hills of North Carolina with his grandparents. Now fifty years later Scott is a beach-side resident and business…