Monthly Archives: March 2018

Some “good stuff” on Good Friday.

These days good news is like pockets of gold deposited straight into your psyche. We need to see it, hear it and feel it more than ever. So thank you to Becky and her “I Love Flagler Beach” facebook page…

Kindness goes a long way.

When I was a kiddo I was made fun of because my ears stuck out… I was called the most obvious of names, Dumbo, which made me feel like shrinking except that my ears would have probably stayed the same…

Summer is coming!

It is so close I can literally taste it… Summer. Every morning I wake up,  walk down to the beach and smell the ocean which makes my mouth water for warm waves and breezes to sail.  After being away for…

Local Color: Stewart Maxcy

March has arrived and as promised to myself, here is the second artist interview. Introducing Stewart Maxcy, a man who feels most comfortable these days with a paintbrush in his hands. Mr. Maxcy was my kindergarten art teacher at Bunnell…