Monthly Archives: March 2014

Local Video of a Right Whale…

This month’s Local Color feature  Scott Spradley  is at it again capturing video of a Right whale cruising down the Flagler County coastline.  Technology is pretty cool when used for good not evil 🙂  

Spring Break is here and the winner is….

I have to say the gray skies, 60 degree temps and 20+ mile an hour winds are setting a bad stage for the beginning of spring break but the kids don’t seem to be complaining too much… wait, where are…

Just another awesome Dolphin video…

While  “doing research” on Facebook today I came across a video that yet again has me marveling at the intelligence of dolphins.  They are truly magnificent creatures and we human beans should take notice that this round rock is for…

Ahhh the sounds of Vacation… A contest!

  It’s March and everyone is probably ready for a VACATION! I know that after a couple of days in the sun I’m feeling great and then these dreaded gray skies make there appearance and my energy level and mood…

In My Belly: Sweet Waters Smokehouse Bar & Grill

The latest In My Belly eating adventure happened at a relatively new eatery with some solid roots firmly planted here in Flagler Beach.  Sweet Waters Smokehouse Bar & Grill is family with the extremely popular Tuscan Grille and the rumors…