Monthly Archives: May 2014

Summertime…and the Livin is easy.

When I was thinking about this post the song “Summertime” popped into my mind, resonating a fond childhood memory of my mom belting out the tune, while I played with my toys during warm summer days.  I can hear her singing now and…

In My Belly…Captain’s BBQ

In my most recent post Please don’t make me cross the Bridge, I made a quick statement of  how I’m not a large fan of driving around or crossing over the Intracoastal Waterway.  However, traveling down A1A with majestic ocean views on my right, while further down…

Please don’t make me cross the bridge…

“But what does that mean?”  I was asked one day while out peddling my shirts. At first my reply was going to be that I really don’t like getting into my car and going anywhere, much less “over there.”  Perhaps…

Writing can change the world.

I remember the moment clearly… I was a struggling and confused nineteen-year-old living in Cardiff By The Sea, California, trying to figure out my place in the world. I found myself writing daily, as if I would come to some…

I’m a surf mom…

I love to surf and I’m a mom~ This past Saturday I celebrated both by surfing in the Mayday Memorial Surf Classic…in Loving Memory of Dollie Sue Watson. Haley Watson started this contest 4 years ago and last year added…

Local Color: Travis Luther…art in the making.

It’s a blessing when you can find a positive outlet to help relieve the stresses of life,  it’s a gift when that outlet transforms a negative feeling into a work of art.  Meet Travis Luther, a self-taught artist who in…

Community Love

Might take me a while but eventually I get there…I feel very fortunate to love what I am doing and although I don’t have it all together yet…I am okay with the small steps.  So here’s a little help from…