About Flagler Surf
Loving this space and sharing it with you.
The latest In My Belly eating adventure happened at a relatively new eatery with some solid roots firmly planted here in Flagler Beach. Sweet Waters Smokehouse Bar & Grill is family with the extremely popular Tuscan Grille and the rumors…
In the days when Flagler Beach was actually the iconic fishing village seasoned locals reminisce about, Scott Spradley would periodically visit from the hills of North Carolina with his grandparents. Now fifty years later Scott is a beach-side resident and business…
My Flagler Beach love story is pretty good, in fact if I weren’t there I would think I made it up. Years ago I was a florist…the Barefoot Florist to be precise. It was Valentine’s Day and I was drowning…
Lately there has been a lot of construction, road paving, weird things sitting on the side of the road and walkway building going on in town. Most of the time people feel rather annoyed since it disrupts their order, creates…
***This is a repost…it’s that time of year and the whales have been spotted!! That is what it is all about when the Northern Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) come to town. Last year I spotted my first right whale off…
To date this is probably one of the more difficult posts I have ever written. I feel rather silly having these issues but most of my content is unobjectionable, bubble gum rather and for the first time I feel like…
In honor of Valentine’s Day this month’s contest is themed: After years of living in Flagler Beach I have met so many people with great stories of how they found love on our beatiful sandy shore … Do you have…
First I want to say thank you to The BeachHouse Beanery folks for hooking up the gift certificate for this first contest. There’s some room for improvement–always–but hey, you have to start somewhere. So if you are just chiming in…
I don’t know about you…but when September comes dragging in I will do my best to not complain about the suffocating heat, terrible gangs of insects that barrage my personal space and the flattering acne brought on by overuse of…
I’m not a critic but a lover of food
It has been great to see Flagler Beach eateries transform into places worth bragging about. Many have added amazing views and most have taken on the nightmare of stripping down…