Tag: contest

Calendar Contest Winner

The month has ended and now we have a winner… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eekABvXt9rw&feature=youtu.be Vera Lincheck Vera says, “The webcam gives me a wonderful view of the ocean each morning. I love visiting Flagler, a nice closenit community wth many friendly people. Hopefully,…

I am having a contest…Calendar Prize

So I wrote a newsletter stating I would start having monthly contests. Well, I’m only a little late with this first one but here it is… Calendar Giveaway! Rules: like both Flagler Surf and Flagler Surf Art & Stuff >>Facebook…

Tis the Season… Light up Flagler Beach 2017

The year is coming to a close. Quickly. And I’m okay with it.  As usual there were many moments since my last post that I wanted to memorialize with written words, very big…huge… moments, but it just did not happen….

Summer Treasure…and a contest!

Summer is here and the best way to cool down is by cruising over to the beach…if you live in Flagler that is. These days my kiddos are old enough to frolic in the ocean without me hovering over them…

Light Up Flagler Beach: Christmas Light Contest

Also sponsored and supported by: Palm Coast Signs, High Tide @ Snack Jacks, Golden Lion Cafe and Break-Awayz For several years I have wanted to have a neighborhood Christmas Lights contest.  For no other reason than wanting to motivate folks to…

Beach Life: #SmileitsSummer

Today is July 1st and exactly three 24 hour cycles until one of my favorite holidays.  Independence Day.  My star spangled memories of  July 4th are carried all the way back with hands in the air to the ripe old age…

Smile, its Summer…sponsored by Flagler Dental!

Wahoooo…another contest and it’s our biggest yet! This is an easy one folks and the prize…ohh man, it will make you SMILE because it’s a Teeth Whitening Gift Certificate (value $399.00!!!) compliments of the Awesome Folks at: The rules: take a picture of…

Save the Earth Contest…

AND THE WINNER IS: ~Robin Kimball~  I teach my kid (and soon kiddos) to take care of the earth. My 4 year old knows all about recycling and littering (he is quick to remind other people but occasionally drops a…

Spring Break is here and the winner is….

I have to say the gray skies, 60 degree temps and 20+ mile an hour winds are setting a bad stage for the beginning of spring break but the kids don’t seem to be complaining too much… wait, where are…

Who won the beans for their Dreams…

First I want to say thank you to The BeachHouse Beanery folks for hooking up the gift certificate for this first contest.  There’s some room for improvement–always–but hey, you have to start somewhere.  So if you are just chiming in…