Category: Blog

Welcome to the Green Dunes Project

In October 2016, Hurricane Matthew caused major destruction to our small town Flagler Beach, FL. After weeks of our beach being closed, droves of volunteers were finally allowed to descend upon the sand and begin a massive cleanup that went…

But Why?

When I was a kid I was pretty shy. To the extreme of …I’d rather go home sick than through the lunch line at school because you had to tell the hair netted ladies what you wanted on your plate….

Just do it.

Today marks the first day in my birthday month, which I told myself that I would write a post every day until I was born. I will be turning 41 and quite frankly I feel pretty awesome. Don’t get me…

Palm Carver Jim

If you live in town, you may have noticed a guy cruising around on his bike with a basket full of palm frond boots. Most folks would immediately assume he was collecting kindling for a bon fire since Christmas is…

New year, new goals, new resolutions…and new video.

It’s Friday the 13th and I’m feeling lucky! So… to celebrate here’s my first video of the year and wish for you to have a great weekend! Thanks for being here — Cheers 🙂

Sunday is the day.

Well the day has arrived. I was really unsure about how I was going to handle this amazing life adventure…  Meaning almost everyday I post a picture of my “sunrise view” and that view is about to change drastically! I…

Weeeeeee….. #3!

Okay…you are supporting this.  Can I say “Thank You” one more time because I am starting to have fun! 🙂

Two days in a row. I just broke my record

Other than some annoying technical difficulties, I have now made two videos and received great encouragement from some awesome folks! Thank you everybody for your kindness… Cheers!

Something old and something new

So many days I want to sit down and share a story with you…but the thought of struggling with the actual writing process holds me back. So I am going where so many others have already gone and recorded myself…

Dear K.C. 9-26-16

A question people have been asking…Where the heck is K.C.? We all know that getting a straight answer is out of the question, but at least he wasn’t sending any of us requests for bail money. At least not me…